Import to a Segment by POST Request

Create a Static Segment using the API


Do Not Import Data into a Dynamic Segment

Dynamic Segment data is updated each day according to it's dynamic query rule definitions. Segment data added with an import will be lost.

Import actions on subscriptions will occur on the imported data, but the segment data will be lost on the Dynamic Segment.

Create a Personal API Key with a user that has segment permissions.

Add the API Key as a Bearer Authorization token to the API request.

Create a Static Segment


Suppression Segments

  • is_suppression must be true if specifying a suppression_type

  • Suppression Hash Options: "none", "md5", "sha256", "sha512"

curl -v -X POST "https://{APP_DOMAIN}/api/3.2/messages/segments" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPTIPUB_API_KEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
      "auto_responder_id": 22,
      "description": "A Static Segment",
      "is_suppression": false,
      "name": "Test Static Segment",
      "redirect_url": "",
      "publication_id": 7,
      "suppression_type": null,
      "type": "static"
curl -v -X POST "https://{APP_DOMAIN}/api/3.2/messages/segments" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPTIPUB_API_KEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
      "description": "A Suppression Segment",
      "is_suppression": true,
      "name": "Test Suppression Segment",
      "publication_id": 7,
      "suppression_type": "md5",
      "type": "static"

Optional parameters: auto_responder_id, redirect_url

API Response

A success response will return a 201 status and valid JSON data.

A failure response will not contain valid JSON, and will return a 302 redirect.

Retrieve the Segment ID from the response data to use in the segment import API request.

  "error": false,
  "data": {
    "id": 100789,
    "name": "Test Static Segment",
    "description": "A Static Segment"
  "message": "Created segment."

Add Subscription Data to a CSV


Double Quotes and Spaces

Remove all spaces and characters outside of double quotes in fields that have double quotes.



  • email must be the first column in the CSV
  • Headers are required if importing variable columns with email.
  • Use Variable Names prefixed by varr_ for variable columns (e.g., varr_firstname)
email,varr_firstname,varr_lastname, John, Doe, Jane, Doe, Jake, Doe
email,tag-add,tag-remove,New Tag,Old Tag,New Tag,Old Tag,New Tag,Old Tag
email,subscriber-tag-add,subscriber-tag-remove,"New Tag 1,New Tag 2,New Tag 3","Old Tag 1,Old Tag 2","New Tag 1,New Tag 2,New Tag 3","Old Tag,Old Tag 2","New Tag 1,New Tag 2,New Tag 3","Old Tag,Old Tag 2"
email,tag-replace,Only This Tag,Only This Tag,Only This Tag

Working with Subscription Tags and Subscriber Tags

Subscription Tags Headers - tag-add,tag-remove,tag-replace

Subscriber Tag Headers - subscriber-tag-add,subscriber-tag-remove,subscriber-tag-replace

Each header can only be used for one column in the CSV file.

Using these headers in your CSV will effect the subscription and subscriber tags of the email address instead of variables.

All actions will create any Tags that don't exist, even the remove action.

Multiple Tags

It is possible to add, remove or replace multiple tags for each email address.

  • Put all tags for the action in the same field.
  • Surround the combined tags with double quotes.
  • Separate the tags with commas.
  • Be sure to remove any spaces outside of the double quotes in the field.

(e.g.,,"New Tag 1, New Tag 2", John)

Replacing Tags

Using tag-replace or subscriber-tag-replace will remove all current tags attached to the subscription or subscriber and only the imported tags will remain.

Import Subscription Data to a Segment



  • POSTing as content-type multipart/form-data is required to upload the file correctly.
  • clear - use integer values (1) true or (0) false
  • activeStatus - use integer values (1) 'Active', (0) 'Inactive' or (null) 'Lead'
curl -v -X POST "https://{APP_DOMAIN}/api/3.2/messages/segments/{segment_id}/import" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPTIPUB_API_KEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
     -F "file=@import.csv;type=text/csv" \
     -F "clear=0" \
     -F "activeStatus=1" \
     -F "sourceCampaign=90" \
     -F "sourcePartner=9"
curl -v -X POST "https://{APP_DOMAIN}/api/3.2/messages/segments/{segment_id}/import" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPTIPUB_API_KEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
     -F "file=@import.csv;type=text/csv" \
     -F "clear=0" \
     -F "activeStatus=0"
curl -v -X POST "https://{APP_DOMAIN}/api/3.2/messages/segments/{segment_id}/import" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPTIPUB_API_KEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
     -F "file=@import.csv;type=text/csv" \
     -F "clear=0" \
     -F "activeStatus=null"
curl -v -X POST "https://{APP_DOMAIN}/api/3.2/messages/segments/{segment_id}/import" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPTIPUB_API_KEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
     -F "file=@import.csv;type=text/csv" \
     -F "clear=0"

Import Options

Static segment imports effect subscriptions for the publication configured for the segment.

Clear segment will remove all data from the segment before importing the new data. But it does not effect subscription or subscriber data removed from the segment.

Import and Subscribe

  • "activeStatus=1"

Import and Unsubscribe

  • "activeStatus=0"
  • sourceCampaign and sourcePartner are not needed to unsubscribe.

Import as Lead

  • (optional) "activeStatus=null" or omit
  • sourceCampaign and sourcePartner are not needed to create leads.

Import as Suppression List

  • Do not include activeStatus, sourceCampaign or sourcePartner fields when importing to a suppression segment.
  • Import data using the Hash Type of the segment for the email address

API Response

A success response will return a 201 status and valid JSON data.

A failure response will not contain valid JSON, and will return a 302 redirect.

  "error": false,
  "data": [],
  "message": "Import created."