
The Messages page allows you to view all the messages previously sent on the OptiPub installation.

Message Sections

Messages are automatically separated into the following sections -

  • SENT - Messages that have already been sent to segments.
  • SCHEDULED - Messages that are scheduled to be sent to segments at a later time. You can edit the send time up until they are sent.
  • TESTS - Messages that were sent as tests. They are sent to selected email addresses instead of segments.
  • CANCELLED - Messages that were scheduled to be sent, but canceled before the scheduled send time.
The messages page.

The Messages page.

Creating Messages

Click on the green 'CREATE' button on the right hand side of the page to begin creating a new message. You can Create an Email Message or Create a SMS Message.

Exporting Messages

Click on the grey 'EXPORT' button to begin the export messages process. Learn more about how and why to Export Messages.

Deleting messages

There is no way to delete messages.



There is no way to delete messages once they are created. Canceled messages are filed in the 'CANCELED' message column.