
Tags are custom attributes you can create and assign to identify groups of related items and content in OptiPub.

While OptiPub has many built-in attributes to organize and manage large datasets, every organization brings their own unique methods of coordination, organization, and identification that they have developed.

Use tags to integrate existing organizational strategies into OptiPub, and create custom groups to search, filter and organize items across the OptiPub platform.

Tags are Useful

OptiPub does not create any tags by default. And OptiPub does not automatically assign any tags to your content.

Tags are an optional attribute you can attach to almost every resource in OptiPub. And they are as useful as you make them.

Organization and Categorization:

Create tags to identify, categorize, and group items based on the terms and workflows unique to your organization.

OptiPub tables can be filtered by tags, making it easier to search for and review a compilation of existing items that share common properties and objectives.

Statistics Aggregation:

Some OptiPub tables, such as the Messages table, aggregate statistics on all table items. Filter the table by tag to view aggregate statistics for all items that share a custom attribute.

(planned feature) Future reports will allow filtering and aggregation by tag, allowing you to compile statistics on all resources that share a custom attribute.

Tags are Global

Use tags to coordinate and identify related items used in objectives along your entire production cycle.

Tags are defined globally across your account. Meaning the same tags are available to use in every tool in OptiPub, and accessible to each team in your organization.

Share common tags to identify relations between campaigns, funnels, articles, messages, advertisements, promotions, landing pages and more.

Query funnel events by tag to match activity on a group of resources or if a built-in attribute is not sufficient.

Give those same tags to your subscribers and pricing plans to relate performance and revenue generated along each step of your customer's experience.

Tags are Flexible

Tags are just metadata that you can assign to items across the OptiPub platform. But their simplicity and versatility is what makes them so useful.

Use them in whatever strategy that works best for your organization. But definitely use them!

Create a tag

Step 1. Create a new tag.

Click the 'Content' link on the main navigation and click 'Tags' to navigate to the tags page. Click the green "CREATE" button on the right to create a new tag.

Create a new tag.

Create a new tag.

Step 2. Name the tag.

Enter a name for the tag in the name form. This is required. A good tag name will be short and descriptive. It may contain spaces.

Naming a new tag.

Naming a new tag.



All tag names on an OptiPub installation must be unique.

Step 3. Add a description to the tag.

A tag description can be used to add information about it's purpose. They are optional.

Step 4. Pick a color for the tag.

The color is displayed in the background of the tag.

Step 5. Save the tag.

Click the green 'SAVE' button to create the tag.

Merge a tag

You can merge tags. This will combine two or more tags into a single tag of your choosing.

Step 1. Select tags to merge.

Open the the 'Content' menu on the main navigation and click 'Tags' to navigate to the tags menu. Select at least 2 tags you want merge and click the grey 'MERGE' button start the merge process.

Beginning the process to merge tags.

Beginning the process to merge tags.

Step 2. Pick which tag to merge the other tags into.

The window that appears allows you to select the tag which you want to combine the others into. The tags are represented by their IDs, not their names.

Picking the tag to merge the others into.

Picking the tag to merge the others into.

Step 3. Merge the tags.

Click the green 'MERGE' button to merge the tags. Make sure you have picked the correct tags that you want to merge.



When you click 'MERGE', the non selected tags will be deleted. This cannot be undone.