
The Subscriptions page is used to view and manage subscribers. You are also able to create a dynamic segment from this page.

Subscriptions Table

The Subscriptions page contains a table with a list of the subscribers, their details, and applicable actions to take. There are also a set of filters that can be applied to the table.

Subscription Filters

  • Publication: Filters the subscribers by the subscribed publication.
  • Active: Filters the subscribers by the active status.
  • Sign Up Date: Filters the subscribers by the sign up date
  • Opens: Filters the subscribers by the number of opens
  • Clicks: Filters the subscribers by the number of clicks

Subscription Actions

  • View: View detailed information for the subscription
  • Edit: Edit the subscription details

Dynamic Segments

If any one or more filters are applied to the Subscriptions table, then the Create Segment action becomes available. Follow the instructions on the Dynamic Segments page for further information.